Plan your own event

Fancy organising your own event? 

We know that sounds scary, but don't worry, we're here to help you! 

We've got loads of ideas, bags of enthusiasm and all the materials you need to make your event a big success. so whether you want to organise an event on your own, with your friends or with your family, in your workplace, your community or your home, your school, your sports club, your dance class, your Church or your local pub, we'll be here to help you make it a big success. 

To get you started with some ideas, take a look at our A-Z of fundraising.

When you have decided what to do, you can set up a JustGiving page to take online donations:

We can also provide you with sponsor forms, collecting tins and a t-shirt, so please do get in touch!

You can email us at or call us on 0151 932 6044.