Light up a Life this Christmas 2018

The St. Joseph’s Hospice Light up a Life appeal is now underway and will run right up to this year’s Light up a Life service and Christmas light switch-on at 4pm on Sunday 9th December.

The hospice’s Light up a Life service is one of its most popular events and is a very festive occasion with remembrance and celebration at its heart. Dedications can also be made to loved ones by sponsoring a light on the 25ft Christmas tree or leaving a memory heart on a special ornamental tree.

Last year, Gemma Waite and her children went along to Light up a Life for the first time to remember Gemma’s father. She said: “We wanted to come and remember my dad and just be together.”

Kate and Carol have been best friends for over 20 years. They wanted to go to Light up a Life to remember their parents as well as other loved ones.

Kate said: “It’s the first time we have been, although I’ve wanted to come for many years. It’s a wonderful way to remember and think about our loved ones at this time of year. It was a very special to both of us as we were remembering our parents but also my parents-in-law and Carol’s brother who died nine years ago.”

Julie McAdam, senior fundraiser, said: “Light up a Life is a wonderful way to think about our family and friends at Christmas time, whether they are no longer with us or are just a long way away.

“If you or your family would like to dedicate a light to someone special on our Christmas tree, dedications can be made now by contacting our fundraising team or downloading a form from our website. We will also enter all dedications into our special Light up a Life dedication book as a permanent tribute.”

Dedications can be made now by downloading a form. Forms are also available from our St. Joseph’s Hospice shops.

If you can’t attend but would like to make a donation to St. Joseph’s Hospice, please text JOSP05 plus the amount you’d like to donate to 70070 e.g. JOSP05 £10 to donate £10.

To find out more about Light up a Life, or how you can support St. Joseph’s Hospice, please call 0151 932 6044 or email