Help the hospice to hit the jackpot

Nurses and carers at St. Joseph’s Hospice are appealing to the local community to help it hit the jackpot by joining the St. Joseph’s Hospice Lottery. 

The hospice, in Thornton, has launched the appeal to mark the 20th anniversary of its lottery and has set itself a target of recruiting 10,000 members.

Currently, 6,000 people play the hospice’s lottery each week, giving them a chance at winning the £1,000 weekly jackpot, as well as other cash prizes.

Maxine Armstrong, head of fundraising and lottery at St. Joseph’s Hospice, said: "Our lottery is such an important part of our fundraising strategy. It only costs £1 per week to play but it is so valuable because it provides us with a regular income which enables us to plan and budget for the future as well as provide hospice care for our community right now.


“During our very special 20th anniversary year, we have set ourselves the target of increasing the membership of our lottery to 10,000 people so, if you’d like to support a valuable local charity, please consider joining our lottery.

“To mark the launch of the appeal, our nurses and carers have revealed a special lottery-ometer which we will use to record the number of people that join the lottery throughout this year. Please help us to hit the jackpot so we can secure more funding for the hospice both now and for the future.”

To join the St. Joseph’s Hospice Lottery, you can download a membership form from our website. Alternatively, call 0151 932 6025 or email