Coronavirus – Visiting Restrictions 2

Last updated 2/12/2020 The safety of our staff and patients during the ongoing pandemic remains paramount, but we have agreed a relaxation of our current rules on people visiting their loved ones at the hospice.

Whilst we are still limiting the time and number of visits to one person for one hour each day per patient, there is now no restriction on who that visitor may be.

By limiting the number of people in the clinical areas, these rules allow staff on the wards to ensure that appropriate PPE is worn by visitors at all times and that other infection control procedures are followed. These measures are in place in order to keep the hospice open, free of COVID-19 and to maintain a safe clinical environment.

Visiting the hospice (from Wednesday 2nd December):

• Visiting is restricted to one individual at a time (unless the patient is in the final stages of life, in which case two visitors can be present).

• In order to stagger arrival times, visitors will be limited to the following times:

o St. Francis House Lower - 2-3pm
o San Jose - 2.15-3.15pm
o St. Francis House Upper - 2.30-3.30pm
o The evening visiting hour will remain 6.30-7.30pm for all areas

• Visitors will only be able to have one slot per day (unless the patient is in the final stages of life).

• Visitor(s) cannot be a person who meets the requirements to self-isolate.

• Visitor(s) cannot be a member of a household where there is a patient with COVID-19’s (as they will be required to self-isolate).

• Visitor(s) will need to use the hand sanitizer on entering the premises.

• Aprons, gloves and masks will be issued on entering the premises and will need to be removed prior to leaving.

• Visitor(s) will not be allowed to leave the patients room. If a nurse is needed they may use the nurse call bell.

• Visitor(s) will only be able to use the patient’s own toilet.

• Visitor(s) are allowed to bring in their own refreshments, if required, and to take away any containers.

• Access to all other clinical areas of the hospice are restricted to essential staff.


If you or anyone in your household has:

• a high temperature (i.e. a temperature of 37.8 degrees or over)
• a new, continuous cough

Stay at home and self-isolate, as per NHS guidelines.

DO NOT got to a GP surgery, hospital or pharmacy.
DO NOT contact 111 unless your condition gets worse or your symptoms do not get better after 7 days of self-isolation.

If you are worried about symptoms, or have any concerns about your potential exposure to coronavirus, please visit the NHS 111 coronavirus website.

New Admissions

We will continue to assess patients prior to admission to ensure we do not admit patients with COVID-19.

For the latest information and advice, please visit: -