GSF award Jospice "BEACON" status

Staff at Jospice in Thornton are celebrating a new award which puts them at the forefront nationally of end of life care.


Staff at Jospice in Thornton are celebrating a new award which puts them at the forefront nationally of end of life care. It was presented to the team of nurse managers from the Thornton hospice at an awards ceremony in London. Clinical Director Jacinta Cannon explained “We were the first hospice to be assessed under the Gold Standards Framework specifically for hospices. Not only were we successful, we received Beacon Status – their top rating.”

Paul Dowling’s father is a patient in Jospice. He said the award came as no surprise to his family. “The whole staff go far beyond normal care provision to include and deeply involve the families and the patients. They are amazing people who work tirelessly to ensure each day is lived as fully as our Dad is able. We would recommend Jospice to all who are in need.”

Cath Hilditch, one of the 3 unit managers at Jospice, added “The GSF has been central in improving the quality of end of life care across the country. We were frankly a bit daunted when they asked us to be the pilot for their hospice programme. The day they came to assess us was gruelling, as they questioned and checked on everything. But the outcome is a marvellous testimony to the work of all our staff.”

Her fellow manager Margaret Culshaw said “I have nursed at Jospice almost since it opened. I believe passionately that people at the end of their lives deserve the highest quality of care, and that they should know that their families are being supported at a traumatic time. That has been the vision of Jospice for 40 years. I am thrilled to see this recognition that we are still delivering it to the highest standard

Bernadette Murphy is the newest addition to the nurse management team. She started as a care assistant, trained as a nurse, and now manages one of the hospice’s 3 units. “I have known Jospice all my life” she says.” I want local people to know they can take pride in the quality of care at a place they have supported so generously for so long. This award confirms it.”